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I strum my guitar when stressed

May 1, 2015

Managing work-life balance: I spend a lot of time travelling as my company has a presence in 16 countries. Despite my busy schedule, I have always been conscious about maintaining a work-life balance. I occasionally take time off to unwind with my family. I follow a few simple rules which have helped me. I'm usually at home on weekends and I always stay at home during birthdays, anniversaries and other special occasions.

Being a fit man: With a fast-paced life and long-distance travel across different geographies and time zones, it is crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle to cope with stress. I am particular about my diet and follow a regular exercise routine.

High energy and happiness: When I get positive feedback it is very motivating. I strongly believe in the mantra: Work hard, party hard. Whenever I am bogged down with a challenge at hand, I take a break. It helps to divert the mind from the problem at hand and gives me a fresh perspective. I usually pick up my guitar and strum a few chords whenever I'm stressed out.

Risk-taker or a micro-planner: I am a risk-taker because I believe that a reasonable level of risk appetite helps one achieve more than playing safe. Some times, it's better to go with `gut' rather than overanalyzing things. The most important thing is to be driven by passion.

Spiritual diet: `Stay committed, stay humble' is my motto. I believe in staying dedicated. Also, I always keep my ego in check and I'm receptive to logical arguments and new perspectives from others.

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